become a doula

sharing my passion for birth with others

Dear all,

As you know birth work is my passion! February 2024 was 10 years that I’ve been in the birth world since working in the autism world since high school. I never thought that I would like teaching, but it comes natural when I'm educating my clients on their options, medications and interventions during childbirth and so much more. I have been working as a Certification Coach through Doulaing the Doula & have been offered a position to teach the Doula Training Course! Teaching others to become the best doulas they can be. I took this same/but different doula training course from Dr. Amy in 2016 although it has evolved tremendously since then.

With accepting this new position, I mentored under Dr. Amy (Owner of Doualing the Doula), officially became a Birth Doula Trainer & taught two trainings in 2023. If you’ve ever researched Doula services you’ll come to find out that it’s not a market where you become rich. We are in this field because we love what we do and we are here to serve a need in our community. Starting out on my own teaching comes with a cost of supplies that will help me teach the future doulas of Southeast Wisconsin. Supplies such as exercise balls, pelvis replicas, placenta replica, a computer for my slide show, yoga balls, paper materials, baby dolls, scarfs, pens, poster boards, etc. The list could go on and on….

I’d be forever grateful for your donations in helping me teach the future doulas of my community & obtaining the supplies needed for this journey.

empower future generations

support our doula training & education initiative

I appreciate you supporting my passion as a birth worker! I've come to love teaching, especially because it's something I'm so passionate about. I absolutely love being a mentor & helping new doulas find their passion & evolve into the best doula they can be. Your donations will help me to accumulate supplies needed to better teach my students for many years to come! Thank you!

interested in becoming a doula?