placenta encapsulation
Placenta encapsulation may decrease in postpartum mood disorders, increased production of oxytocin, a decrease in stress hormones, restoration of iron levels following bleeding after birth, and increased milk supply.
about placenta encapsulation
Steamed (Traditional Chinese Method -TCM)
The placenta has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many generations; believing to restore the warmth a woman has lost following birth, and therefore assisting in her body’s re-balance, promoting an equal amount of yin (cold) and yang (warmth) once more. This fine balance between yin and yang also helps with our immune system. It is believed that our body’s natural immunity, known as wei chi, is reduced post birth and is thought to be restored by adding heat. The steaming process itself directs heat at the placenta, in addition, heat is infused into the placenta through the use of lemon or lemongrass, ginger, myrrh, turmeric, ceyenne pepper, added into the water being used during the steaming process. Lemon is an antiseptic and helps to distribute the placenta throughout the body. Cayenne pepper and ginger are warming herbs and thought to lend their properties to the placenta. Ginger specifically acts as a facilitator for energy and good blood flow. The steamed method of encapsulation will yield fewer capsules, as the steaming process does change the overall weight of the placenta, mostly from blood drainage. Most women yield 120-200 capsules. We use the highest quality, organic products that are added to the steaming water only.
There is little evidence based information on placenta encapsulation, anecdotal reports suggest that it has many benefits. These include: decrease in postpartum mood disorders, increased production of oxytocin, a decrease in stress hormones, restoration of iron levels following bleeding after birth, and increased milk supply, increase energy/combat fatigue and shorten the postpartum recovery time. Let’s think about the science that all mammals consume their placenta raw following birth, why can’t we?
Again no study currently exists to suggest that there are any risks associated with placenta encapsulation. Some individuals have reported feeling jittery, overstimulated or feel like that consumed too much caffeine. Some reports suggest that there may be an adverse reaction and there may be a decrease in milk supply. Each individual is different and therefore see different results.
The placenta is collected by the doula within 24 hours of delivery. The placenta is handled carefully and treated as a viable organ and done so with respect for the placenta. The placenta is prepared in an area that is sanitized and clean, with proper protective wear being used. The placenta is clean/washed with water and photographed. The placenta is then detached from the amniotic sack and the the umbilical cord is detached as well. The placenta is then steamed with all herbs in the water, infusing the placenta as its steamed and withdrawing any access blood at 125 degrees and then again at 160 degrees. The placenta is then cut into small thin slices and placed in a food grade dehydrator. The placenta and umbilical cord are then dehydrated for 18-24 hours. When complete the placenta is then ground into powder and encapsulated in size 00 vegan or flavored gelatin capsules of your choice. The umbilical cord is dehydrated into a keepsake. We use all disposable products and those that are not are cleaned and sanitized properly. (see step-by-step photo below)
Placenta Encapsulation is prepared by our Placenta Specialist, Amanda Echols, who has a certification in Placenta Encapsulation from the Brilliant Birth Academy.
Price $300
If you are a current client of the Faithful Haven Doula Collective (with any of our members), you will receive a $50 off discount. Services include: pick up, preparation of placenta, education and delivery within 72hrs. Vegan capsules are standard. **We also offer flavored gelatin capsules for $10 add on (strawberry, mint & orange).
Add On’s: Herbal Afterbirth Tincture $20 and/or Raw Placenta Tincture $20
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the process from beginning to end